© 2022 Simon Says Seminars, inc.| TransplantStrong

Welcome to our Seminar & Webinar page! If your a kidney patient organization looking for programs to empower preemptive (live-donor) transplant opportunities, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our programs below:

Untethered Truths: The Preemptive “Live-Donor” Transplant Advantage

Hoping to get a transplant before you require dialysis? Wish you could overcome those seemingly endless barriers that are keeping you from getting an evaluation or attracting your ideal donor? This program exposes the facts behind confusing transplant deterrents by empowering transplant hopefuls to push beyond standard norms and fight for their best life possible.

If you, or someone you know, is looking to gain new insights or boost their (live-donor) transplant “opportunity-superpowers” — this course is the one!

Program Highlights – by the end of this program attendees will be able to:

  • Breakdown Preemptive Transplant Barriers – By Dodging those “You’ve Got Time” Traps
  • Optimize Transplant Opportunities: By Proactively Seeking  Access to a Transplant Before Dialysis
  • Become Their Own Best Advocate: By Refusing Status Quo, Asking Questions and Proactively Engaging
  • Attract Potential Donors: By Sharing Their Story, Building Relationship Capital and Enlisting Enthusiastic Advocates
  • Strive & Thrive: By Diligently Following a Plan to Secure The Best Life Possible!

Program Presenter  
Risa Simon is a fierce advocate who is elevating kidney transplant opportunities at every turn. As a preemptive (live-donor) transplant recipient herself, Risa understands the importance of proactive patient engagement and self-advocacy. Re-purposing her own health journey to find her ‘best life’ work, Risa’s revolutionizing kidney patient empowerment platforms by revealing the Untethered Truths about preemptive transplantation.

Risa’s mission is fairly simple: To empower kidney patients to seek a better and longer life—the life she, and many of her followers, now live. Whether she’s speaking, writing, coaching, mentoring or advocating, she’s touching the hearts and minds of both patient and professional audiences.

You can find Risa’s creative thumbprint on innovative brands of champion patient programs and inspirational “self-help” books, and her advocacy efforts can be seen behind ground-breaking organ donor proclamations and Senate Bills.

Risa also serves as a volunteer advocate and peer mentor for highly respected organizations like the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation (PKD), and the American Transplant Foundation (AFT).

How to Become A Donor-Seeker® Magnet Pro: The 7 Proactive Steps to finding Living Kidney Donors addresses the overwhelming task of attracting potential donors for their much needed transplants. Transplant “hopefuls” crave guidance on how to proactively go about this process so they can securing a transplant before they require dialysis, or shortly thereafter.

The Donor-Seeker® Program was created to bridge-the-conversation-gap by activating patients to proactively become their own best advocate. This course provides communication strategies to boost patient engagement and empower living kidney donor transplant opportunities.

Program Highlights – by the end of this program, attendees will be able to:

  • Get Empowered & Advocate for Better Options
  • Build and Launch a Strategic Story-Outreach Plan
  • Enlist a Team of Donor-Seeker® Spokespersons
  • Inspire Curiosity & Interest w/Powerful Content Messaging
  • Transform Intentions to Attract a Better & Longer Life

Early adopters are soon to become Donor-Magnet® Pro’s, by attracting potential donors who can bring their dreams to life.

What Meeting Planners & Attendees are Saying:

  • Thank you, Risa!  Your passion and energy are truly inspiring, and I truly thank you for participating in this event!   It is an honor to hear your story and see you touch the lives of so many. J. Z. – Banner University Medical Center / Transplant Institute
  • Thank you Risa. You are a stellar role model of proactive courage. Not only did you change your quality of life, but your transplant gave you the platform to share your message with the world, offering hope and a path that many kidney patients may not ever have known was possible. You went above and beyond to provide an empowering afternoon. – M. H. Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients
  • We received such positive comments from attendees stating how motivating your presentation was.  We had a record number of participants. You are an incredibly special person and we are so lucky to have you. – M.R. -Banner University Medical Center / Transplant Institute
  • You’re a wonderful inspiration. Love your Transplant-First approach! – Y. C. PKD Foundation Chapter Coordinator 
  • Thank you for your passion in sharing your story. You’re making such a difference!  – D. P, AZ
  • You’re now ranked as one of my favorite people of all time….up there with Erma!”- J. B, CO

For more information:

Email: Risa@RisaSimon.com

Office: 480.575.9353
