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Kidney Transplant Recipients Get New Protections!

New Kidney Transplant Recipient Protections!

The National Kidney Registry (NKR) is now offering recipient protections in addition to their very generous donor protections that remove barriers to donation.

NKR’s donor protections (Donor Shield) offers living kidney donors reimbursement for:

  • Lost wages up to $2,000/week—for up to 6 weeks
  • Travel and dependent care—up to $5,000
  • Complications not covered by Insurance or transplant center

Donor Shield also offers “priority status” to donors in the unlikely event that they ever need a kidney transplant—and/or legal support if the donor finds themselves dealing with job loss or discrimination.

But wait, there’s more!

RECIPIENTS who receive a kidney from NKR’s voucher or paired exchange are now protected should their transplanted kidney fail to function.

That’s right! Recipients now get Recipient Shield protections if their transplanted kidney fails to function within 90 days. Recipient Shield provides recipients with “priority status” to receive another kidney from NKR, providing the recipient’s “failure to function” notification was reported to NKR within 90 days.

Learn more here: https://www.kidneyregistry.org/

Biden signs bill introducing more competition to US’ organ transplant network

On September 22, 2023, President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan bill into law that overhauls our country’s organ transplant system by increasing competition among contractors—and paving the way for additional funding.

The new law will “break up the current monopoly system” that for nearly four decades allowed a single private nonprofit to be the sole contractor managing the country’s Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Friday.

“Everybody knows the system has been broken for years, with heartbreaking consequences,” she said in reference to the more than 100,000 Americans awaiting a transplant at any given time. “Now, with the president’s signature, we are taking significant steps to improve it.”

The Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act stems from rising criticism of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) and the OPTN from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. In 2022, the Senate Finance Committee issued a report and convened multiple hearings focusing on the various “failures” of the system that led to long waits and deaths.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, chair of that committee and one of the act’s sponsors, said in a statement. “For too long, thousands of families have had to watch a loved one struggle while waiting for an organ transplant because the system has been inefficient and unaccountable. With this law, that starts to change. There is going to be accountability, know-how, and improvements so more Americans are connected with a life-saving transplant.”

UNOS, the sole nonprofit that has been managing the network, coordinating transplants and procurements and monitoring patient safety, has previously said that it welcomed any plans to reform the national system. The group on Friday said it does “not oppose this legislation” and reiterated its support of “a more competitive and open bidding process” in statements to reporters.

Read more here: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/providers/biden-signs-bill-introducing-more-competition-us-organ-transplant-network

Transplant Equity—Backdating Waiting Times for Black Candidates

Black kidney transplant candidates who were disadvantaged by previous use of a race-inclusive eGFR calculation will receive waiting time CREDIT, because they should have qualified sooner.

OPTN unanimously approves a process to improve transplant equity by backdating the waiting times of Black kidney transplant candidates who were disadvantaged by previous use of a race-inclusive calculation to estimate their level of kidney function.

Waitlisted candidates known to have been disadvantaged by a race-inclusive GFR calculation will receive all the waiting time credit for which they qualify. This action requires all kidney transplant programs to identify those Black kidney candidates whose current qualifying date was based on the use of a race-inclusive eGFR calculation, and to determine whether a race-neutral eGFR calculation shows they should have qualified sooner to start gaining waiting time for a transplant (even if their waiting time has been based on a different qualifying standard, such as dialysis).

This initiative started on January 5, 2023 and must be completed within one year. Within this time frame, all transplant programs must contact all of their currently registered kidney transplant candidates about this initiative, as well as apply to the OPTN for a waiting time modification for such candidates.  

After the programs request modifications for potentially affected candidates, they will again contact each candidate to let them know whether they qualify for a waiting time adjustment.

Transplant programs also need to document their completion of these steps with the OPTN within one year.

Learn more here:


Five Most Common Mistakes Kidney Patients Make & How To Avoid Them!

Five Most Common Mistakes Kidney Patients Make & How to Avoid Them

Everyone makes mistakes. I’ve certainly made my share. I guess the upside of making a mistake is the powerful lesson that follows. Of course, the learning only “sinks in” when the memory of error lingers longer than the mistake itself.

Wouldn’t it be great to avoid all those unforeseen blunders long before they throw you into a tailspin of reactive, uninformed decision-making? While you can’t control everything in your life, like your kidney disease that appears to have the upper hand in this game, you could influence the outcome by being more prepared for all those unpredictable circumstances.

Below you find some golden nuggets to help you avoid the 5 most common kidney patient landmines. Incorporate these proactive behaviors and you’ll soon be on your way to becoming a more empowered patient in pursuit of your best life possible. The life every kidney patient deserves.

Mistake #1: Ignoring Your Numbers

Are you monitoring your blood pressure, weight and lab results closely, or are you relying on your doctors to translate those hard to pronounce words and jumbled corresponding values? Don’t assume you’re being told everything you need to know. As the CEO of your health, take responsibility by asking key questions and encouraging a dialogue about your numbers. Your lab values play a significant role in the progression of your disease. They also alert you to potential problems that you might otherwise not be aware of . Early insight can often increase your odds to correct potential problems.

To keep yourself well informed and proactively involved in your health— Step-Up your game a notch by following these tips:

  1. Set your digital calendar to be proactive by scheduling your lab draws at your recommended intervals.
  2. Keep an “observation diary” for tracking new and unusual symptoms (like fluctuations in BP or weight).
  3. Insist on getting a copy of your lab results in your portal (as soon as they are available). This will allow you to be “one step ahead” of conversations about any changes in your lab values.
  4. If your portal is unable to show a history of your lab values, create a spreadsheet on your own. This will allow you to plot/visualize your numbers by date, and track the history of potential problems.

While your labs can look and sound like Greek, keep your eagle eyes on these key numbers at all times.

(1) eGFR (this is an estimated number that shows how efficiently your kidneys are sifting, sorting and cleaning waste from your blood).

(2) Creatinine (the measurement that gauges your kidney’s ability to breakdown muscle cell waste.

(3) BUN (the amount of protein in your blood and urine).

Of course, paying attention to all your numbers, including electrolytes (like potassium), blood cell counts (like hemoglobin and hematocrit), and monitoring calcium, phosphate—and lipids is also very important. Watching for blood or protein in the urine must not be overlooked either. Follow these tips to more effectively partner with your healthcare team to become your own best advocate.

Mistake #2: Forgetting To ASK & TELL

If you are just showing up for your appointments without a pen and a legal pad full of questions, list of concerns—and your spreadsheets with all your number comparisons, you’re missing out on a valuable wisdom-gaining experience. When you choose to be more prepared before your doctor walks through the door, you’ll have a greater chance to engage and partner in conversation.

Here Are Your Top 3 “ASK’s”:

  1. What’s your “take” on my last labs and what can I do to impact them more favorably?
  2. Should I need renal replacement, do you think I’d be eligible for transplant?
  3. If not now, what could I do to improve my chances?

Become an inquiring mind. Never stop asking and learning.

Here Are Your Top 3 “TELL’s”:

  1. Your symptoms, observations and concerns since your last visit. (Use your observation diary).
  2. Obvious number changes. (Refer to your notes about fluctuations in your BP and weight, and identify lab value comparisons).
  3. What you’d like to see happen, along with your future desires and goals.

If initiating dialogues with you doctor is uncomfortable for you, state it as so. For example, you can say “This is a bit awkward or embarrassing for me (—or maybe even a little bit premature), but I think it’s important enough to bring up. May I share my thoughts with you?”

If you find your doctor seems distracted when you try to open this dialogue ,or just seems too rushed to listen, you might ask if it would be okay to email your thoughts following your appointment. It’s important to feel that the door has your best interest at heart and that the door is always open for discussion. Open communication is the only way to build respect and trust. If your attempts fall on flat ears, it might be a sign to get a second opinion while exploring other care providers in your network. Your job is advocate for yourself by partnering with your care providers that “get you.” You’ll never be able to achieve your goals if you feel like you’d be walking on eggshells to approach a topic. This is your life. Demonstrate you care by being a team player.

Mistake #3: Waiting To Get Sicker

If you’re waiting to get sicker before you get serious about your future, you could be in for a rude awaking. Open your eyes to what someday could be the inevitable. Look at it this way, “It’s not a matter of if you’ll ever develop renal failure, it’s a matter of experiencing failure of a different kind. Failure to do something (i.e.; seize opportunity) while you still can.”

When you don’t have all the particulars, it is easy to think that you have more time than you actually have. This is an illusion. Try using what I call the “side-view mirror approach”  from your car. What’s that warning on your side view mirror? It encourages you to be mindful that  “Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear.”  This can be very true for the progression of your kidney disease. Your disease may be progressing faster than it appears.

While the “if” and “when” of losing complete kidney function may still be unknown to you at this time, create an imaginary side-view mirror for yourself that reads “Renal failure may be closer than it appears.” This perception alone might just motivate you have a “ready-set-go” mindset for seizing opportunities.

The Chinese symbol for crisis combines figures depicting both danger and opportunity. We can learn from this by embracing each precarious situation as an opportunity to discover a better path.

An addict waits to hit rock bottom before doing something for themselves. You don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom of your health, in fact you shouldn’t. Partner up with your healthcare team to create a coalition of specialists who can support your proactive intentions. This is how you can secure your best life possible.

Mistake #4: Assuming Dialysis Comes First

Most CKD patients rarely pick transplant as their first choice, mostly because they are unaware of this opportunity—and its unparalleled value. Perhaps you thought dialysis was required before you’d be considered for a transplant? If so you’re not alone, yet know we hope you know that belief is untrue.

In the United States, less than 20%* of transplants are performed preemptively (before the need for dialysis). If there’s a chance that you could be a transplant candidate, you’ll need to proactively work a plan to attract potential live-kidney donors. If you are told you would not be eligible, be sure to verify from through a second opinion. Also, find out what you could do to change that status, like lose weight or live a more healthy lifestyle, [which are more doable than serious active infection, active malignancy, heart disease and obesity]. Learn more about restrictions, and then give it all you’ve got to become your own success story.

Mistake #5: Neglecting To Share Your Story  

Are you and your kidney disease hiding in the closet? If so, you’re not alone. I didn’t tell a sole about my condition for years. But then I realized I was doing myself and others a disservice. It takes a village to increase awareness. Your story can touch listeners heartstrings—particularly when it is shared from your heart ,and when you expect nothing in return. Listeners not only need to learn about your situation, but they also need to know the frightening realities, like more than 95,000 people are currently waiting for a kidney transplant. They also need to know that about our national organ shortage, and it’s catastrophic wait for deceased organs. No doubt your story can inspire living kidney donor offers.

Don’t think that sharing your story is pointless because if someone really wanted to help you some day they would have already told you so. This is foolish and self-sabotaging thinking. Until others truly understand your situation (and the life-threatening need), they can’t begin to imagine how they might help you (or find someone who could). It’s your duty to become a voice for all. Hope for a better tomorrow starts with you.

About The Author

As a motivational speaker, 3x published author, patient mentor, advocate and industry consultant, Risa has one goal: To empower kidney patients to become their own best advocate. Risa is the founder of Simon Says Seminars, Inc., TransplantFirst Academy, and TransplantStrong.com. You can find Risa “giving back” often as a Peer Mentor and PKD Connect Ambassador for Education with the Phoenix Chapter of the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation. She also serves as an advocate and peer mentor for other patient groups, including NKF’s Patient Navigators and AAKP Patient Ambassadors.

Known as a passionate role model for others, Risa used her own curiosity to carve out a more proactive path for herself and others. Now, nearly 12 years post-preemptive (live-kidney-donor) transplant later, she’s living her best life and still going strong. This is what she hopes for all transplant eligible patients. Her tips, scripts and Donor Magnet® system can be found in her books: “In Pursuit of A Better Life: the Ultimate Guide For Finding Living Kidney Donors,” and “Shift Your Fate: Life-Changing Wisdom For Proactive Kidney Patients” both available on Amazon.

Her most exciting achievement can be found in her new Donor-Seeker® Program Platform.  For more information visits the links below:





Reference: Preemptive Transplant

Racism in Kidney Care

A simple metric that uses a blood test, plus the patient’s age and sex and whether they’re Black or not makes Black patients appear to have healthier kidneys than non-Black patients, even when their blood measurements are identical. “It is as close to stereotyping a particular group of people as it can be,” said Rajnish Mehrotra, a nephrologist with the University of Washington School of Medicine.

This race coefficient has recently come under fire for being imprecise, leading to potentially worse outcomes for Black patients and less chance of receiving a new kidney. A national task force of kidney experts and patients is studying how to replace it. Some institutions have already stopped using it. Some medical experts say fixing this equation is only one step in creating more equitable care, a process complicated by factors far deeper than a math problem.

The racial part of the equation

Buoyed by activism around structural racism*, those seeking equity in health care have recently been calling out the algorithm as an example of the racism baked into American medicine. Researchers writing in the New England Journal of Medicine last year included kidney equations in a laundry list of race-adjusted algorithms used to evaluate parts of the body — from heart and lungs to bones and breasts. Such equations, they wrote, can “perpetuate or even amplify race-based health inequities.”

Leaders in kidney care believe race modifiers should be removed, because it make black patients and their providers believe their kidneys are functioning 16 percent better than they actually are—which can lead to delayed care and limited access to more ideal treatment options.

Inaccurate race based equations cause black patients to get delayed referrals to specialist and they have to wait much longer to get on the transplant list. More specifically, it might not be that Black bodies are more likely to have more creatinine in the blood, but that Americans who experience housing insecurity and barriers to healthy food, quality medical care and timely referrals are more likely to have creatinine in their blood — and that many of them happen to be Black.

Systemic* health disparities help explain why Black patients have unusually high rates of kidney failure, since communities of color have less access to regular primary care. One of the most serious consequences of poorly controlled diabetes and hypertension is failure of the organ.

Direct discrimination — intentional or not — from providers may also affect outcomes. Studies recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology noted that removing the race factor could lead to some Black patients being disqualified from using beneficial medications because their kidneys might appear unable to handle them. It could also disqualify some Black people from donating a kidney.

This article is an excerpt provided by Kaiser Health News and originally printed in The Washing Post, Tuesday, June 8, 2021 

*Structural, institutional and systemic racism broadly refer to the “system of structures that that have procedures or processes that disadvantage African Americans.”


COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters & Precautions for Transplant Patients

While Covid-19 vaccine (3rd dose) boosters are now recommended for immunosuppressed patients—here’s the back story as to why this population finds itself more vulnerable 

Article From Science.org/news  — 26 JUL 2021

Doctors recommend that organ transplant patients continue to take precautions such as wearing a mask and social distancing even after they are fully vaccinated.

Transplant physicians have worried for months that their patients might not be getting the protection they need from COVID-19 vaccines. Studies have already shown that many organ recipients don’t produce coronavirus-fighting antibodies even after two doses of the highly effective messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines—an indication their bodies are unable to mount a strong defense against SARS-CoV-2. A study out today indicates this lack of antibodies is indeed translating to a much higher risk of “breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated transplant recipients.

Immunosuppressant drugs, commonly used to keep the body from rejecting a new organ, leave transplant patients more vulnerable to infections. In a previous study involving 658 transplant recipients, just 54% of patients given two doses of an mRNA vaccine developed antibodies to protect them against the pandemic coronavirus. But antibodies are only one indication of a body’s response to a vaccine. Low antibody levels are “a warning,” says Dorry Segev, a transplant surgeon with Johns Hopkins University. “It’s a signal, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have suboptimal protection.”

To measure that protection, he and colleagues obtained SARS-CoV-2 infection and testing data on more than 18,000 fully vaccinated recipients of large organs like kidneys or lungs at 17 transplant centers across the United States. They found that 151 of these patients caught the virus. Of those that became infected, more than half were hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms and nearly one in 10 died.

Although the rate of infection in the study was low, just 0.83%, it’s still 82 times higher than in the general vaccinated public—and the rate of serious illness was 485 times higher, the team reports today in Transplantation. This study provides the first clinical evidence across multiple hospitals that transplant recipients are less protected by the vaccine, Segev says.

Eva Schrezenmeier, a nephrologist at Charité University Hospital in Berlin, worries the study is actually underestimating breakthrough cases, because the patients might have gone to different hospitals to be treated for COVID-19, or might not have reported their breakthrough case at all.  “I think they might have missed some patients.”

Deepali Kumar, a transplant infectious disease physician at University Health Network in Toronto, says this is a “welcome study,” but she would like to know more about those who had breakthrough infections before drawing any conclusions. Because the study is based on summary data and not complete medical records, it can’t provide information about whether the serious breakthrough cases were in older organ recipients, or in patients who received a particular kind of transplant, she says. “There are a lot of questions remaining.”

One thing is certain, however: “We need to do a lot more to protect our transplant patients,” she says.

A potential solution: a third shot of vaccine. Kumar, Segev, and other researchers are studying whether a booster dose could give transplant recipients better COVID-19 protection.

Two recently published studies have shown promising results. In the first, published last month in The New England Journal of Medicine, 68% of organ recipients produced antibodies after a third dose of the mRNA vaccine made by Pfizer, up from 40% after two doses. In another study published last week in JAMA, doctors administered a third dose of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine to 159 kidney transplant patients who generated little to no antibodies after two doses. They found that 49% of these patients subsequently started to churn out antibodies.

Third doses are not yet an officially recommended course of action for immunocompromised people in most countries, but as more data come out, policies are shifting. The French government endorsed third doses for transplant patients in April. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service also plans to begin to offer a third vaccine dose to immunocompromised individuals beginning this fall. In the United States, an advisory panel for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week evaluated recommending third doses, but likely won’t make an official recommendation until after the Food and Drug Administration offers full approval to the mRNA vaccines. [Update: FDA has approved and boosters are now recommended]

In the meantime, transplant patients should still get their COVID-19 vaccine, Segev says, because limited protection is better than none. But they should also continue to wear masks and practice social distancing, he stresses. Getting the rest of the population vaccinated is another crucial step in helping protect these patients, he adds. “This is a stark clinical reminder that transplant patients are inadequately protected by the standard vaccine series.”

Article Taken From July 26, 2021 Science.org — News

Should A Parent Accept A Kidney From An Adult Child or Loved One?

Most parents (or those in need of a kidney transplant) are often reluctant if not strongly opposed to accepting a child’s (or loved one’s) kidney donation. Ironically, adult children and family members already make independent decisions on their own, yet reluctant parents don’t seem to see it that way.

Parents are wired to protect their children. That said, they often feel accepting a kidney from a child is incongruent to their parental oaths and responsibility to keep their loved ones out of harm’s way.

Oddly enough, most parents don’t put themselves in their children’s (or loved one’s) shoes and therefore don’t view their objections as hurtful or harmful.

Parents need to be guided so they can see their opposition to accepting the gift of life from a child is actually hurtful. The hurtful part comes into play when the parent robs the child of joy and psychological gain, which they’d receive from helping a beloved parent live a better and longer life.

To balance perceptions, create a reverse scenario for the parent to ponder. Ask the parent if they’d ever consider donating a kidney to their mother or father if they were in need. Chances are, you’ll hear a resounding “Of course, I would!”

When this is the case, present 2 follow-up questions:

  1. How would you feel if your mother or father disallowed you from trying to save their life?
  2. Could you live with the memory of being prohibited from saving, enhancing or extending your parent’s life?

Putting the shoe on the other foot often allows parents to reframe their need to dishonor their child’s wishes. And, while protecting a child’s medical safety by prohibiting donation, it actually hurts their emotional and physiological health for years to come.

Let’s face it. The child wasn’t asking for approval. They were simply stepping up to serve. Their desire to help is merely a reflection of the loving values their parents taught them –family first, always.

We often forget that the gift in giving is not in the receiving, but rather the joy one receives from the giving. No one should have the power to take that away from the giver.

Donors have said, “If my recipient refused my offer, I’d be robbed of a blessing.” It’s not the receiver’s call to accept or decline. That’s the transplant centers’ job.

So, the next time you hear a parent in need of a kidney transplant refuse to accept one of their children as a potential donor—or anyone refuse to accept a kidney from a loved one—read this article to them, or better yet, print it off and hand it over with endearing smile.

Author: Risa Simon, 2010 (live-donor) preemptive kidney transplant recipient, motivational speaker, inspirational author, patient mentor/advocate and founder/CEO of Simon Says Seminars, inc., TransplantFirst Academy, TransplantStrong, and the Donor-Seeker® Program. For more information contact: risa@transplantstrong.com  or visit: www.TransplantStrong.com



Untethered Truths: The Moral Imperative For Preemptive Kidney Transplants

If history is a global indicator of end stage renal disease (ESRD), a vast number of people will face an unimaginable reality. Currently, 37 million American adults are estimated to have kidney disease, and most are unaware until they advance to end-stage challenges—and due to that delay, they miss their opportunity to secure a preemptive (before dialysis) transplant.

Moreover, the 726,000 individuals already suffering ESRD challenges are not alone. Each year they are joined by 126,000 unsuspecting newcomers.1

While the rate of this growing population is highly disturbing, the destructive consequences of the disease are far more alarming. Over the last three decades, more than 980,000 ESRD patients lost an early battle to this disease—and it’s not getting any better. The premature death toll is estimated to rise to 1.4 million by 2027.1

Today, half a million ESRD patients are struggling to stay alive on dialysis. Of those, more than 95,000 pray they’ll survive years of waiting for a kidney transplant from our nation’s insufficient organ supply.  Sadly, the lion’s share of ESRD patients will never actualize a transplant (before they need dialysis), because they were overlooked as potential transplant candidates.

Dialysis conversations are often presented as the first line treatment—with little, if any mention to it being less desirable than transplant.   Most patients don’t realize dialysis is incapable of removing all the body’s toxins, replenishing essential hormones or replacing active vitamins. They are rarely told those sacred functions are an “inside job,” managed exclusively by healthy human kidneys.

Without this understanding, patients can be easily swayed to disregard transplant opportunities until they’ve started dialysis. Very few patients realize the consequences of postponing transplant could lead to less favorable outcomes. It can also jeopardize candidacy, and even shorten their lifespan.

ESRD patients deserve to know the untethered truths about their options and be encouraged to secure their best quality of life. Alarming statistics about dialysis associated infections and life-threatening comorbidities must also be better known to help patients make more informed decisions.

Statistics matter too. Informing patients that 20% of the 100,000 ESRD patients who begin dialysis each year are expected to die within their first year—and 50% are likely to die within 5 years, are prime examples of what patients need to know before saying yes to dialysis.2

While critical facts are not easy to share, professionals must disclose these facts to help patients gain full transparency in informed consent. This practice can encourage eligible patients to proactively set goals to secure a transplant before they require dialysis. When best practices are timed appropriately, patients can engage in a more proactive manner.

Kidneys from Living Donors

Kidney transplants performed with a kidney from a living kidney donor (LKD) can offer a multitude of benefits. Some of those benefits include the transplanted kidney responding quicker, functioning better and lasting longer than those transplanted with kidneys from deceased organ donors.

LKDs also offer their recipients a fast track to transplant, by allowing them to schedule their transplant closer to their time of need. This is key, as recipients can often bypass the need for dialysis, which opens the path to preemptive kidney transplantation, or PKT.

From quality of life to better survival rates, less medical complications and reduced depression, PKT can offer recipients a better and longer life. The PKT advantages allow recipients at a more productive role in society, return to their jobs quicker, and stay employed longer. Preemptive recipients can also enjoy more time with family and friends.

From a financial perspective, getting a transplant is less costly than time on dialysis. We know this to be true because transplants save taxpayers an estimated $146,000/ per transplant performed.3 Yet, despite these extraordinary benefits preemptive transplant is severely underutilized.2 It is time to expose the detrimental ramifications in lost PKT opportunities as an urgent call to course correct. This article embodies that call by exposing (and dismantling) unconscionable PKT conundrums.

Common Barriers

One of the most common barriers in PKT stems from an outdated mindset that “stable” renal function—requires no action.4 This belief ignores life-threatening consequences due to sudden declines from underlying disease and/or co-morbidities.4,5,6 Patients rely on their physicians for guidance. The silence coming from their trusted advisors is beyond deafening. It’s become potentially life-threatening.

Trigger #1. Historically, there has been a general reluctance to initiate early renal replacement conversations for fear of frightening patients prematurely or depressing ineligible populations. While holding-back conversations might mitigate distress for some, it clearly robs quality of life from many others.

Trigger #2. Fear and social-cultural differences can keep patients from more favorable pathways.4 This is particularly true for those unable to accept their imminent loss of renal function. Nonetheless, a patient’s readiness, willingness and desire for a better life is often physician driven.

Hence, it is far wiser to use patient fear as a powerful catalyst, rather than a deterrent. Simply stated, a clear understanding of what a patient could face if they don’t proactively seek a preemptive transplant, is often more impactful than what they could potentially gain by achieving this goal.

Timing is Everything

The timing of patient engagement also plays an important role in outcome success. While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) offers a six-hour covered benefit for patient education, the program disincentivizes PKT options by restricting access to individuals above eGFR 29.7  Supported by the Improvements for Patients and Providers Act [MIPPA] of 2008, one would think the program’s name alone would ensure congruent standards to support its core purpose.

If we agree that PKT success relies heavily on early chronic kidney disease (CKD) education, we must agree that patients deserve enough “processing time” to apply new knowledge, contemplate their options and proactively seek their best outcome.

Likewise, we must also agree that the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network’s (OPTN) suggestion to refer patients to transplant within Stage 4 and 5 is too broad in range and vague in scope to optimize PKT opportunities.4 We know this to be true from the low rate of preemptive transplants performed to date. The few patients who discover transplant benefits and request a preemptive referral, typically find themselves in a nephrologist or transplant center “push-back” war. They’re often told it’s “too early” because their eGFR is stable or hasn’t fallen consistently below 20.

To the patient, push-back translates to “Wait to get sicker”—with no regard for protecting future eligibility or losing active donor interest.  When patients are referred to transplant as they approach dialysis’s ledge, they experience an automatic disadvantage of insufficient time—a precondition for finding, testing and awaiting evaluation committee conclusions.

Waiting for a kidney from a deceased donor has become a guaranteed PKT “deal-breaker.” We know this to be true, because virtually all preemptive transplants are achieved when candidates present a qualifying LKD before they require dialysis.

To that end, CKD patients must be exposed to PKT options in earlier stages of disease, ideally starting as early as eGFR 59.8 This timeline will ensure patients have enough time to process their options, contemplate their future, and fight for their best life possible.

Patient Education

Despite CMS’s covered benefits for chronic kidney disease (CKD) education, very few transplant-eligible patients benefit. Much of this is due to disseminating a downpour of dialysis content prior to introducing transplant options.  Content prioritization must be improved to avoid confusion, overwhelm and blurring “optimal choice” benefits.

Using a sales analogy, a customer is more prone to remember and connect with the first product they are exposed to, particularly if the salesperson is more enthusiastic or knowledgeable about that product. By the time a second option is introduced, the customer can fall into “information-overload,” making it difficult to discern the key differences between the two products presented.

This analogy underscores risks associated in having large dialysis organizations LDOs (who admittedly report low levels of transplant knowledge) develop and present ESRD education. Using this scenario, curriculum developers might unconsciously create bias and potential conflicts of interests.

To correct this problem, ESRD content must be developed, challenged and approved by a diverse team of transplant and dialysis professionals to reveal the full scope of balanced risks and benefits. Post-transplant recipients and dialysis patients also deserve a seat at the curriculum development table to ensure their voices are heard.

Disseminate Best Options-First!

It is well known and documented that PKT is the best option for better outcomes. This claim underscores the renal profession’s responsibility to help patients try to bypass the need for dialysis, regardless of presumed transplant interest or eligibility. While a patient may not appear to be transplant-eligible at the time of training, dialysis comparisons can encourage ineligible populations to proactively strive for future candidacy.

Of equal importance, patient education must be free of misinformation and bias. Education must also be provided upstream, in earlier stages of disease, to ensure ample time for decision-making—before they are inundated with overwhelming health burdens. Unless deeper conversations about treatment options are proactively presented, patients will be unable to make proactive decisions.

This reality is underscored by studies that show 80% of ESRD patients are inadequately educated about transplantation and living donor options.9

Motivation is Key

ESRD patients often surrender to dialysis as an inevitable destiny. The belief for most patients is that dialysis is a prerequisite to transplant—and it appears easier. Even if these patients had the energy to consider a better life option, the emotional toll from managing ESRD make that reality difficult to imagine.

No one would argue transplant is a more difficult bridge to cross when compared to dialysis. For starters, dialysis does not require extensive medical testing or an extra kidney. Yet, patients will never work towards achieving this goal without giving them good reason.

Information is power. Hence, the patient’s full understanding of risks and benefits will always drive their level of interest. Herein lies the nephrologist’s opportunity to make a difference. By committing to delivering small, repeatable and expandable segments of patient education— (when their patients are healthier and more eager to fight for a better life), they’ll be able to contemplate their best option in advance of need.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”-Elmer Letterman


The first hurdle for hopeful PKT recipients involves timely evaluations. Despite the high 5-year mortality rate of dialysis, transplant referrals are intentionally delayed. Yet, if transplant referrals were viewed with the same level of urgency as a life-threatening condition, this hurdle could be overcome.10

The next, and seemingly never-ending challenge for hopeful PKT recipients, comes with the task of finding potential donors. It has been reported that the majority of ESRD patients are inadequately educated about transplantation and living donor options.9 Another study revealed 80% of transplant candidates polled admitted that they are intimidated by the thought of identifying potential donors, and another 60% claimed they were too embarrassed to bring up the subject.

Finding potential donors through family or friends is hard enough. The smarter “ask” is a request to expand need awareness through word-of-mouth and social networking.9 To that end, patient engagement programs must include guidance on how to educate the general public on the opportunity and need to increase living kidney donation.8

Improvements in patient education, including scripts and role-play examples to build confidence and strengthen interactions are also needed.4,9 Of equal importance, curriculums must encourage dialogues with family and friends, including how to script invitations to join campaign forces through social media.

Additional challenges surface when potential donors change their mind. This is not uncommon. Everyone has the right to change their mind— particularly on a decision of this gravity. Transplant centers actually encourage potential donors to reconsider their decision to ensure they don’t have any doubts or concerns moving forward.

The bright side for those who either can’t (or choose not to) move forward, is seen in their willingness to expand the search for more potential donors. Another challenge surfaces when an acceptable donor finds themselves incompatible to their intended recipient. Nearly 35% of all living kidney donors are found to be incompatible to their intended recipients. Fortunately, Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) programs offer incompatible donors a wonderful way to stay in the game and create a win for all.

One of the toughest hurdles for potential living kidney donors involves gaining family support. When potential donors tell their loved one’s that they want to donate a kidney to a friend—or a stranger, it can go over like a lead balloon. Understandably, parents, spouses and adult children are wired to protect their loved ones. This is where education becomes key. Support is best gained when supporters know more about the process. This includes the degree of risk, timing of recovery and their potential role in caregiving.

The amount of time a donor must take off work for testing, surgery and recovery can also squelch a donor’s intentions. Having to take a minimum of 3 weeks off (for recovery) can put job security at risk, not to mention a heavy financial burden into play when it’s taken without pay. It only gets worse when the donor is up against out of pocket travel expenses—and costs for dependent, elderly and pet care while they’re recovering.

While there is the possibility to request assistance for those donating to lower income recipients, hopeful advocates await the government passing of the Living Donor Protection Act of 2021.11,12 (Currently, a handful of states have passed limited variations of their own statewide bills).

Transplant centers can also cause hurdles. One of those hurdles is seen in a tactic referred to as a “cooling off” period. This intentional “delay response” protocol is used to ensure prospective donors are fully committed.

Not surprisingly, however, potential donors are disheartened by the center’s lack of response. To them, the silence is incongruent to their “urgent call” to save a life.   Transplant centers that use delay tactics like these are encouraged to become more sensitive to the detrimental consequences for their hopeful recipients.

The challenge to find potential donors who are willing to step forward is hard enough. Add the complexity of donor evaluations, surgical risks and time off work—alongside delayed communications and the hope to secure a living donor transplant appears nearly impossible.

Providers need incentives too. Nephrologists are not fairly compensated for pre-transplant or post-transplant patient visits. Hence, a separate payment needs to be considered for time involved in transplant preparation and care—including referrals to transplant centers.4 This strategy alone holds a powerful means for increasing preemptive transplant rates.

Our current kidney allocation system is a challenge because it causes confusion. This occurs when waitlist credit is awarded on the date that dialysis was initiated. Because of this, patients often think they must start dialysis in order to earn waitlist credit.

To prevent incorrect assumptions and encourage proactive self-advocacy, educational curriculums must incorporate current waitlist timelines and a clear understanding of how the kidney allocation system works.4

Medicare ESRD restrictions also causes financial challenges. This occurs when ESRD Medicare coverage is limited to three years for medications post-transplant. Yet, if a transplant recipient loses their coverage, and subsequently can’t afford their medications, their transplanted kidney will reject. When a kidney rejects and cannot be saved, the patient requires dialysis to survive.  Here, everyone loses. However, patients, donors and transplant centers are not the only ones who lose. The government also loses.

For years we have known that a kidney transplant costs less than dialysis, beginning post-transplant year two. A recent Health and Human Services study reconfirmed this belief by showing a government savings of $73 million over a decade.3  [These numbers were computed by showing the first-year costs of getting a transplant to be roughly $131,000, with ongoing medication costs estimated under $3,400 annually]. These calculations present a huge savings after year two.

When you consider Medicare covers $90,000 per year for each dialysis patient (for as long as they need dialysis), you can quickly equate the financial gain from securing the longevity of each transplant performed.


While preemptive transplantation is the preferred end-stage choice for renal replacement therapy, it continues to be vastly underutilized. Communicating preemptive transplant benefits in earlier stages of disease (by eliciting discussions as early as eGFR 59—and initiating referrals at eGFR 25), could effectively remove the bulk of barriers for those who deserve a better and longer life.

Helping patients understand the benefits gained in PKT is essential for increasing patient interest and desire. Teaching patients to communicate their need and search for potential donors in earlier stages of disease will also ensure they get a fair chance to achieve this goal. Removing financial disincentives to donation by adding protections will further assist the profession’s quest to help patients thrive—not just survive.

Now is the time to encourage preemptive transplant opportunities and position PKT education as a moral imperative and critical link for advancing optimal outcomes. Now is the time to revive the profession’s Hippocratic oath to do no harm.

It’s time to do more good.  



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About the Author

Risa Simon is the founder and CEO of Simon Says Seminars, inc., TransplantFirst Academy and TransplantStrong. As an immensely grateful preemptive (live-donor) kidney transplant recipient, she’s giving back to empower others through her Donor-Seeker® Program, webinars,  coaching and mentoring—and self-help books: In Pursuit of a Better Life: The Ultimate Guide for Finding Living Kidney Donors; and Shift Your Fate: Life-Changing Wisdom for Proactive Kidney Patients. For more information contact:  mailto:risa@TransplantStrong.com

Feeding Covid’s Silver Lining

COVID 19 is forcing transplant centers to cancel live kidney donor transplants and put “donor testing” on hold. Hopeful recipients are emotionally struggling with this disruptive and unpredictable standstill. Their thought bubbles sound like: “Will my donor change their mind? Will my GFR hold? Will I be forced on dialysis or be taken off the list as I get sicker?”

While these concerns are realistic deal-breakers, an intentional shift in perspective could reveal a brighter blessing in disguise. Why do I say this? Because putting life’s plans on hold presents an expanded window of opportunity to refine and strengthen your goals.

It’s  a matter of choice. You can sit frozen in fear or you can shift what’s beyond your control to work to your advantage.

While you might find the process a bit difficult at first, the more you see this pause as a good cause to “plan forward,” the easier it will become. For example, you can use this pause to talk to a peer mentor, attract back-up donors, fine tune logistics, and ensure surgical success (and recovery) for both the donor and the recipient.

You can also use this pause to encourage friends and family to spread your story in social media and invite potential donors to video conference with other donors to gain insight on their experience. They can also use this pause to chat with their doctors, request their ABO blood type, and recommit to health goals through patient portals or tele-medicine platforms. This pause can also be used to proactively explore “paired exchange” options should a workaround be needed.

Above all, potential donors can use this pause to educate their loved ones, minimize concerns and offer additional “soaking time” to gain a respectful understanding of their compassionate desire to save a life.

And, it doesn’t end there. Most kidney patients can benefit from a shelter at home pause. For example, CKD patients can use this pause to slow the progression of their disease by choosing healthier home prepared meals, ramping up their exercise routines, and by minimizing stressors that exacerbate blood pressure spikes.

Likewise, dialysis patients can use this pause to slip into a “less rushed” lifestyle, as they insist on infection control protocols and explore home treatment options. Transplant recipients can use this pause to be extra diligent about protecting their “adopted kidneys” through immunosuppressive compliance and by keeping themselves out of harm’s way. At this time living kidney donors can also become more mindful of their own safety. They need this reminder because their instinctive nature is to be a “giver.” Their recipients ask that they mindfully pause to ensure they put their “oxygen mask” on first—so they can stay safe and protected.

It is at times like this, when we feel incredibly vulnerable and powerless, that we are called upon to “lean in,” and virtually unite to inject positivity and hope back into the world.

Never lose sight of the fact that you are always in control of good intentions. The good news about good intentions, is that they are limitless—and spread exponentially from 6-plus feet away. That said, use social distancing to your benefit. Visualize, meditate and fill your gratitude journals with “seeds of gratitude.”

Embrace those seeds of gratitude—and send their nutrients up to feed the silver lining inside COVID’s cloud. By doing so, a bridge to a better tomorrow will be yours for the taking.

Your thoughts and intentions matter.  Use them wisely.


Written by Risa Simon, Founder of TransplantFirst Academy, Industry Consultant, Speaker, Author, Advocate  

For access to PDF: https://transplantfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Covid.FeedSilverLining.Simon_.pdf

Kidney Donors Get Job Security

Kidney patients who hope to get their much-needed transplant can take a big sigh of relief now that the Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary, Alexander Acosta, clarified language that states organ donors qualify for FMLA time-off work. This means that living kidney donors are included in FMLA’s protections for an eligible employee to take up to 12 workweeks of leave (for the surgery and recovery) while they are unable to perform their job functions, without risk of losing their job.

The TransplantFirst Academy applauds Paul Conway, former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Department of Labor, who also serves as President of American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) and Chair of the Patient Engagement Advisory Committee of the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for his role in achieving this massive victory. This united effort also included top kidney community allies, such as the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS), the American Society of Transplantation (AST) and the Renal Physicians Association (RPA).

For medically-eligible kidney patients, organ transplants are the best treatment available for kidney failure. Transplants help kidney patients either proactively avoid dialysis altogether by securing a preemptive transplant or by allowing them to transition off of dialysis treatment dependency so they can enjoy a vastly improved quality of life. Currently, in the United States, over 114,000 patients are on the organ donation waiting list and of those, over 95,000 are awaiting a kidney transplant.

FLMA wins like this not only encourage more living organ donations for the tens of thousands of Americans who await a life-saving transplant, it helps gain momentum for passing further protections for organ donors, through the Living Donor Protection Act (H.R. 1270).

Learn More about FMLA Opinion Letter here:

Learn More About AAKP Efforts Here:

Learn More about Living Donor Protection Act here: